About us

NGL.media is an independent anticorruption center founded by a group of journalists in 2013 under the name of «Nashi Groshi.Lviv». NGO «Lviv Group» is a website publisher.

All NGL.media materials have been created by a journalist team with the support from international donors and readers can be freely distributed provided the hyperlink to the original publication is included. Our investigations became award-winners in a number of professional competitions.

We are open to cooperation with other media, HGOs or independent investigators focused on countering corruption.

We rely on your support – you can give us any information that we can use as a basis for our investigations. We keep all our sources anonymous.

We will also gratefully support any financial support in the amount which is acceptable for you. High-quality investigative journalism is expensive, but corruption is something that costs much more to our society. We publish all our incomes and expenses in our annual financial reports.

In addition to NGL.media website, our investigations are published on our social media (Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube).