Editorial team

NGL.media is an independent anticorruption center founded by a group of journalists in 2013 under the name of NashiGroshi.Lviv. NGO “Lviv Group” is a website publisher.

Contacts: +38 067 674 3076 / editor@ngl.media

Oleksandra Gubytska, CEO
Nataliia Onysko, program manager
Iryna Podoliak, director of development
Oleh Onysko, editor-in-chief
Nazarii Tuziak, data journalist
Kateryna Rodak, special correspondent
Rostyslav Abramets, social media manager NGL.media
Anton Stolyarov, investigator
Elyzaveta Chyp, investigator
Pavlo Lisnychenko, investigator
Mariana Verbovska, investigator

All NGL.media materials can be freely distributed provided the hyperlink to the original publication is included.