Investigative journalism that makes an actual difference

Independent anti-corruption centre,, is a non-profit, non-governmental organization working in the interests of the entire society. This is a combination of investigative journalism and analytics based on large data, which is unique for the Ukrainian market.

It is our readers’ support that enables us to create materials resulting in actual changes in the country. Our publications have already stimulated the new laws, the dismissals of corrupted officials, and the implementation of transparent rules of interacting with the authorities.

Your regular financial support will help us investigate the topics on which we are currently working: corruption in government, supplies for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, ecology, the judicial and law enforcement system, and many others.

What do the community members get?

Only the members of community get access to exclusive options and events
access to the private WhatsApp chat
access to the private WhatsApp chat

live communication with journalists and like-minded people

regular newsletters with editorial insights
regular newsletters with editorial insights

weekly emails about plans and consequences of the publications

invitations to private events
invitations to private events

online and offline access for the community members

exclusive merch
exclusive merch


available OSINT: step-by-step instructions
available OSINT: step-by-step instructions

how to find information for any occasion

brunches with team
brunches with team

a possibility to meet for coffee and talk

Choose your level of support and join the community

Перевірте свій емейл після оформлення підписки. Якщо Ви не отримали лист-підтвердження, це може означати, що процес платежу з якихось причин не був завершений. Напишіть нам у Facebook, WhatsApp, Telegram чи на email – ми допоможемо вирішити проблему

  • Email newsletter
  • WhatsApp chat
  • Online and offline events
  • Special instructions
  • Exclusive merch (soon)
  • Brunches with the media team
499 UAH/month

Please note. You will receive an access password to the email address you provided

  • Email newsletter
  • WhatsApp chat
  • Online and offline events
  • Special instructions
  • Exclusive merch (soon)
  • Brunches with the media team
249 UAH/month

Please note. You will receive an access password to the email address you provided

  • Email newsletter
  • WhatsApp chat
  • Online and offline events
  • Special instructions
  • Exclusive merch (soon)
  • Brunches with the media team
149 UAH/month

Please note. You will receive an access password to the email address you provided

Support for the amount exceeding UAH 500 a month You can unsubscribe at any time
  • Email newsletter
  • WhatsApp chat
  • Online and offline events
  • Special instructions
  • Exclusive merch (soon)
  • Brunches with the media team
4990 UAH/year

Please note. You will receive an access password to the email address you provided

  • Email newsletter
  • WhatsApp chat
  • Online and offline events
  • Special instructions
  • Exclusive merch (soon)
  • Brunches with the media team
2490 UAH/year

Please note. You will receive an access password to the email address you provided

  • Email newsletter
  • WhatsApp chat
  • Online and offline events
  • Special instructions
  • Exclusive merch (soon)
  • Brunches with the media team
1490 UAH/year

Please note. You will receive an access password to the email address you provided

Support for the amount exceeding UAH 5000 a year You can unsubscribe at any time

Why is your support so important right now?

The work at journalists’ investigations cannot be interpreted as a hobby or volunteering. This is complicated professional work, often done on one’s own. This tedious labour requires a lot of time, efforts, special skills, and courage. This work is cost-consuming, so even large mass media cannot afford to have in-house journalists-investigators working on one topic for months. But without this work, it is impossible to understand what is actually going on in the country.

We work as a non-profit, non-governmental organization and provide the results of our work for free distribution. We are convinced that our materials should remain open and free of charge for all readers. This is possible only on condition that such people as You realize the value of independent journalism.

We choose the topics we work on, and we investigate or study whatever we consider relevant to Ukrainian society, not what the media owners, advertisers, or international donors deem important. This is exactly why we can investigate corruption, abuses on the part of judges or law enforcement officials, ecology, war crimes, or draft evasion.

This is why Your support is so critical for us — make your contribution and become a part of the community.

Our publications have been honoured with a number of awards

National Competition “Honour of Profession”
National Competition “Honour of Profession”
National Competition “Honour of Profession”
National Investigative Journalism Competition
National Investigative Journalism Competition
National Investigative Journalism Competition
National Competition “Honour of Profession”
National Competition “Honour of Profession”
National Competition “Honour of Profession”
National Investigative Journalism Competition
National Investigative Journalism Competition
National Investigative Journalism Competition
Prozorro Awards
Prozorro Awards
Prozorro Awards
Competition of Investigative Journalism based on DataUp
Competition of Investigative Journalism based on DataUp
Competition of Investigative Journalism based on DataUp
National Competition “Honour of Profession”
National Competition “Honour of Profession”
National Competition “Honour of Profession”
National Competition “Honour of Profession”
National Competition “Honour of Profession”
National Competition “Honour of Profession”

Questions / answers

How can I change my level of support?

You can change the level of support on your account on the website. To do it, you just have to choose the desired level of support. The new level of support becomes active from the moment it is registered on the website.

Звичайно, ви можете зробити це будь-коли, просто скасувавши свій регулярний платіж у кабінеті на сайті.

Будь-яка ваша персональна інформація (емейл, телефон, поштова адреса тощо) потрібна для того, щоб ви могли отримати доступ до ексклюзивних опцій. зберігає у таємниці персональні дані учасників спільноти і не надає їх третім особам і захищає їх від несанкціонованого доступу.

Ви можете зробити свій внесок через Monobank (оберіть «Інші платежі» – «Благодійність» – і знайдіть, або здійснити безготівковий переказ на рахунок ГО «Львівська група» (код ЄДРПОУ 38424816 / UA063253650000026007010446009, призначення платежу: безповоротна фінансова допомога на статутну діяльність).

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