All stories discovered a network of Telegram channels that make money from bullying children and teenagers
How Russian and Belarusian IT businessmen receive benefits from the Ukrainian government
How and where Russians export Ukrainian grain
Fake marriages with women with disabilities are booming in Ukraine. found out how it works
Local governments spend hundreds of millions to support UAF, but it’s not always efficient
From construction scandals in Lviv to the scandal with the MOD tenders
Ukrainian deputy Mykola Koretsky still owns a business in Russia
The number of fathers taking children away from their mothers through the courts has increased dramatically in Ukraine
Tens of thousands of dolphins died in the Black Sea as a result of Russian ecocide
Deputies who fled Ukraine posing as volunteers
How the outside consultant of The Gaze and his near and dear received more than UAH 70 million from the Ministry of Culture
Universities continue making profit from draft dodgers. New records of war time
The Ministry of Culture has spent over UAH 60 million on The Gaze – new English language media, read and watched by nobody found 1578 Ukrainian citizens who became collaborators. Here are their names identified 2,248 men who fled the country using the Shliakh information system and those who were helping them