The dark side of the stage

Sexual harassment and violence in the universities of theatre: victims’ testimonies
25 February 2025
25 February 2025

A swirl of accusations of sexual harassment and psychological and physical violence by some teachers has been raging around the leading educational institutions of theatre for several weeks now. It all started with the anonymous story of one student, which triggered a chain reaction and brought many details and surnames to the surface of the public space.

Dozens of students and actors started talking openly about harassment, indecent proposals from their teachers, and the violations of all the possible boundaries in their study and personal communication. Using the hashtag #немовчи meaning “do not keep silent” , one can find hundreds of such stories on social networks.

The management of the universities, featured in these stories, and the representatives of the ministries of culture and education, which are in charge of them, respond to scandalous disclosures rather frostily, preferring the strategy of hushing them up. In their turn, students and actors are anxious for their voices to be actually heard. has talked to more than 20 women and men who claimed to have been subjected to harassment and violence during their study of acting skills. They have had different testimonies and life experiences, but one thing unites them all — a fear of figures of authority, which made them keep silent, sometimes for years. We are publishing their stories All the stories, told in the first person, were disclosed to The stories have been partially edited for better perception, but their essence has been preserved completely  as relevant testimonies to the fact that harassment behind the stage has been present in the higher educational institutions of theatre for dozens of years and is still considered a norm in some places.

Please note! This article contains descriptions of scenes of sex and violence, which you may find distressing. If you have suffered from sexual violence or harassment, please seek free legal and psychological assistance (you can do it anonymously): National Psychological Association 0 800 100 102, “Jurfem: Support” 068 145 5590 or 0 800 30 55 90, Non-Governmental Centre “Women’s Perspectives” 0 800 500 335

The studio of Bilous

48-year-old Andrii Bilous is a teacher of direction and acting skills at the I.K. Karpenko-Karyi National University of Theatre, Cinema, and Television (KNUTKiT), the director of the Kyiv National Academic Molodyy Theatre, the Merited Artist of Ukraine.

At the end of January, Sofia Sapozhnik, a 23-year-old former student of KNUTKiT, accused Andrii Bilous of sexual harassment during her study. First, she did it anonymously on YouTube, and then revealed her face in an interview to TSN. The girl claimed that she had been receiving indecent proposals and immodest questions from her teacher about her sexual preferences and fantasies, along with the request to send him her nudes.

Андрій Білоус (фото Молодий театр)

Andrii Bilous (a photo by Molodyy Theatre)

After that, other female students of Andrii Bilous and actresses of the Kyiv Molodyy Theatre, where he is the director, started talking about having been sexually harassed by him. Actors and students started their protests in front of the theatre, calling for Bilous’s suspension from the classes with actors and bringing him to justice. These events have been highlighted in mass media rather extensively.

On January 31, a short TikTok video of the meeting of Molodyy Theatre actors and Andrii Bilous was posted. In this video, those who had ever been harassed by the director in any form were asked to stand up – and a large number of people, present in the room, got up from their seats.

Sofia Sapozhnik is not the only person who claimed to have been harassed by Andrii Bilous and decided to tell their stories not only to journalists but also to law enforcement officers. has been told by the Kyiv Police that three statements of victims have been registered so far.

Andrii Bilous refused to talk to about these accusations, though he had previously rejected all the allegations against him.

“An organized campaign has been running against me for a long time; it is designed to remove me from my position in the theatre and to gain control over the premises of the theatre, which is functioning successfully. This campaign is not based on any legal evidence or proven facts; instead, its foundation is only the pressure of mass media and slander. No accusation against me has any confirmed evidence to prove it. I reject all the accusations of harassment or any other illegal actions categorically and I intend to prove it according to the legal procedure,” he wrote in his messages to the TSN journalists.

At present, 48-year-old Andrii Bilous has been suspended from his work at the university and from directing Molodyy Theatre, and the police initiated criminal proceedings against him as per the article on sexual harassment (Art. 153 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

Anna-Maria Baranova, 25 y.o.
an actress at Molodyy Theatre
We were sitting on the sofa within arm’s reach. At some moment of my monologue, he touched one of my breasts…

Lilia Semeniuk, 22 y.o.
an actress at Molodyy Theatre
He asked me, “So, do you not achieve orgasm?” I answered, “No, I don’t have any problem with that.” And then he wrote to me, “Well then, you can shoot a video of yourself or make a picture.”

Anonymous, 21 y.o.
a female student
He asked me what I was willing to do to get rid of stiffness. In a few seconds, he was already touching my breasts and started taking my top off.

Anonymous, 25 y.o.
an actress
I was leaving, but he hugged me. After this hug, not letting me go, he stepped back just a tiny bit, looked at my face, took it with his hand, and started kissing me.

Sofia Sapozhnik, 23 y.o.
a photography director
One day, he sent me an intimate picture of a body part of another female student or theatre employee and said, “Look what they send to me as their friend.”… Then he asked whether I could do something similar for him.






The studio of Halytskyi

69-year-old Volodymyr Halytskyi is a senior lecturer of the chair of film direction and screenwriting at the I.K. Karpenko-Karyi Kyiv National University of Theatre, Cinema, and Television, the Merited Artist of Ukraine.

There are no public messages about Volodymyr Halytskyi on social networks with #немовчи hashtag. It is the first time that three female students have agreed to tell about this teacher, and two of them asked to remain anonymous since they are still studying and are worried about their future. Their colleague, Daryna Pasichnyk, a student of KNUTKiT who decided to tell about this teacher openly, claims that many people have known about his harassing actions for a long time.

Володимир Галицький (фото Вікіпедія)

Volodymyr Halytskyi (a photo from Wikipedia)

“Everybody knows about Halytskyi, knows that he does it to his female students. The university administration knows about it, too. So, it is not a secret,” the girl says confidently. She claims that there were many times when she contacted the university management after the teacher had groped her body publicly in their cinematography classes, but no reaction followed.

After the public exposure of Andrii Bilous, Daryna contacted the university administration again and told them about her experience with Volodymyr Halytskyi. In her words, this time the university has established a commission and discussed the situation with her and Halytskyi. In the university, has been told that the claim of Daryna Pasichnyk is still under consideration, after which the measures regarding the teacher will be taken.

Instead, in the conversation with, Volodymyr Halytskyi said that he had heard no claims of harassment from his students or the university administration. He refuted all the accusations.

“This is the first time I have heard about it from you. What can I say? Who are these students, and what are these circumstances? What was it? I want to see these people. No groping, nothing like that ever happened. I might have unwillingly offended someone, but there was never any undressing or groping,” Volodymyr Halytskyi said. 

Daryna Pasichnyk, 23 y.o.
a student of KNUTKiT
Gradually, his hands started moving lower and lower. At first, his touch on my breasts seemed to be an accident, but then he moved down to them more and more often.

Anonymous, 25 y.o.
a female student of KNUTKiT
Then he asked me to masturbate on camera. That’s when I got scared and uncomfortable. But I obeyed and started to do it.

Anonymous, 22 y.o.
a female student of KNUTKiT
He would ask me about sex, about my partners, and at the same time, he would tell me about his similar “adventures”. It happened only once, but I still don’t understand why I had to listen to all this.



The theatre of Marchak

62-year-old Yurii Marchak had been heading the Olha Kobylianska Chernivtsi Music and Drama Theatre for 26 years, till March 2023 inclusive. He is a Merited Artist of Ukraine.

Юрій Марчак (фото Шпальта)

Yurii Marchak (a photo by Shpalta)

For dozens of years, Yurii Marchak had been preparing young applicants to enter art universities, including the Karpenko-Karyi University. As a rule, these classes were conducted one-on-one in a closed room. When recollecting going to Marchak for preparation classes, Iryna Lazer, a famous actress and singer, says that he was teaching her acting skills and working on some passages with her. Meanwhile, he could let himself place a kiss on the minor girl’s lips and did it so easily that Iryna didn’t even consider it abnormal.

“It was impossible to understand whether it was normal or not, all those kisses. It was very uncomfortable because the kisses were active, so prior to entering the room, I always held my breath and persuaded myself to endure these few minutes. At first, I would somehow turn away from him, but then he would just grab my face with his hands and hold it so that I couldn’t evade,” Iryna Lazer recollected in the conversation with, not hiding her disgust.

Kisses were not the worst thing to happen to her, as she remembers. She left Yurii Marchak’s course after his attempt to rape her, but she kept silent about it for over 20 years.

Today, Yurii Marchak is no longer the director of the Chernivtsi theatre: he left his position when the employees’ complaints about him became known. It is not clear what these complaints were about; nobody explained them to the public. 

Marchak refused to give any comments on the accusations of sexual harassment and violence.

Iryna Lazer, 42 y.o.
an actress in “Suziria” and “Zoloti vorota” theatres, a leading singer of Mavka group
He just rushed to me, grabbed me, lifted me in the air, and started undressing and kissing me. I had a feeling that I was being raped.

Kateryna Yevdoshchuk, 23 y.o.
an actress
The tongue was so deep in my mouth that no evading could help. My ears and cheeks were covered with saliva. It could come to the point that he could just push his hands into my pants, under the underwear, and touch my genitals or breasts, for that matter.

Yana Ivasiuk, 21 y.o.
a student of the Art Institute at the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, an actress
He could just casually put his hands into my underpants or bra while I was reciting a fable, or a poem, or prose. And the reply to my question, “Why are you doing it?” was, “You are a future actress who has to be adjusted to any circumstances, so recite like this!”



The studio of Balaban

Oleksandr Balaban (a photo by KNUTKiT)

70-year-old Oleksandr Balaban has been working at the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts (commonly known as Poplavskyi’s Institute) till February 2, 2025; he is a director and the Merited Artist of Ukraine. He headed the Institute of Cinema and Television. Public claims of former Balaban’s students with the hashtag #немовчи started appearing on social networks soon after the scandal with Andrii Bilous.

His female students said that Oleksandr Balaban exerted psychological pressure on them, scolded and undressed them on the stage without their consent. The university reacted to the first mentions of Balaban in social networks rather quickly and issued a statement about terminating the cooperation with this teacher. As for Oleksandr Balaban, he does not comment on any accusations.

Yelyzaveta Yakovyshyna, 26 y.o.
an actress
I personally listened to a lecture in which he said that I was a very clever actress and only an energetically strong man could be my sexual partner

Anonymous, 25 y.o.
an actress
I am turning around; there are spectators in the auditorium — students from other courses, and he comes up, takes my undershirt off me himself, and strokes my back with his hand. I am just standing, waiting for all this to end.

Kateryna Poliakova, 27 y.o.
an actress
Disgusting and absolutely ambiguous scenes involving the denudation of girls were the norm. We knew what the breasts of each female coursemate looked like.



The studio of Somov

60-year-old Lev Somov is an actor of the Kyiv State Drama and Comedy Theatre on the Left Bank and a teacher of acting at the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Honoured Artist of Ukraine. It is noteworthy that the university website states that Lev Somov is involved in scientific activity in the direction of Professional Pedagogics. Yet, judging by the reports of his former students, his teaching methods were not even graced with professionalism.

Лев Сомов (фото Людмили Томенчук)

Lev Somov (a photo by Liudmyla Tomenchuk)

Lev Somov is not accused of sexual harassment, but his surname is associated with despotic, authoritarian, violent methods of teaching acting skills and with psychological violence. 

In the waiting room of the university rector, was told that the university where Somov teaches is conducting an internal investigation based on the accusations of the teacher, but they did not provide any public comments.

“I reject any accusations against me”, Lev Somov replied to’s request to comment on the accusations from his ex-students.

Stefania Stavytska, 27 y.o.
an actress and producer
He came up on the stage to me and slapped my face. It was completely unexpected; spectators were still in the auditorium, and there were students from other terms.

Oleksandra Myronenko, 23 y.o.
an actress of the Maria Zankovetska National Academic Drama Theatre
They started playing their scene, and there came a moment when she was to turn her head. And Lev Mykolaiovych Somov, with all his talent and performance, spit the girl in the face. Time stopped.

Maria Yakovenko, 25 y.o.
a freelance illustrator
The master of your course, who represents himself as the Honoured Artist of Ukraine, whom you view with adoration, can let himself say phrases like [in Russian], “You are not people, you are scumbags”, “Men have one more organ, and it is not the one you have thought of”, “You are a shit of an actress”, “If you look me in the eye once again, I will show you my dick”.



The studio of Vysotskyi

75-year-old Yurii Vysotskyi is an assistant professor of the second chair of acting art and direction at the I.K. Karpenko-Karyi Kyiv National University of Theatre, Cinema, and Television, the Merited Artist of Ukraine. The surname of Vysotskyi was among the first ones to appear along with the accusations of harassment when the students’ campaign with the #немовчи hashtag started.

Юрій Висоцький (скриншот з відео Dub Hub)

Yurii Vysotskyi (a screenshot from Dub Hub video)

It is noteworthy that men — his former students Serhii Volosovets and Ostap Vakuliuk — were the first to speak about Vysotskyi’s teaching methods. They spoke publicly about violent methods of teaching and humiliation, as well as about Vysotskyi’s sexual harassment of their female groupmates. For instance, the students recollected that during his lesson, Vysotskyi would select one of the female students, make her sit beside him, and hold his hand on her knees, petting them.

Now, Vysotskyi has been suspended from his teaching position at the university. He refutes all the students’ accusations.

“There is no pressure; there is mutual cooperation and mutual desire for something to succeed. For me, this [students’ accusations] is an absolute surprise. I enter the classroom and see a bunch of smiling faces. This is the general atmosphere I am working in,” Vysotskyi said to the UP journalists.

Ostap Vakuliuk, 32 y.o.
an actor of the First Academic Ukrainian Theatre for Children and Youth
If you did something wrong, he could ignore you. Or vice versa — he could start shouting at you… After this teaching, I lost my admiration for the theatre I had had while entering the university; I just didn’t want to be in it.

Stanislava Krasovska, 35 y.o.
an actress of theatre and cinema
We were constantly clutched. This is even a term in the acting profession — a clutch; this is something the teachers of acting skills usually try to fight. And the longer we studied, the more we all acquired this clutch because we were really afraid of him.

Serhii Volosovets, 33 y.o.
an actor of theatre and cinema
During the show or discussion, there could be bursts of energy/emotions accompanied by laying hands on the girl’s knees or tight hugs.

Veronika Mishaeva-Yakovleva, 26 y.o.
an actress of theatre and cinema
At some point, I felt this hand starting from the knee again and moving up. His hand was moving higher and higher, and I realized that he might want to touch my genitals.




Are there any chances of punishing the wrong-doers?

At present, the ongoing investigation is conducted only against Andrii Bilous, a teacher of the KNUTKiT, since there are official statements from the victims – this fact was confirmed by the Kyiv police at the inquiry of The law enforcement agencies say that no statements regarding other teachers have been registered.

Yet, the Ministry of Culture, governing the KNUTKiT, has informed that this university has already sent the information about Yurii Vysotskyi to the police as well.

The Ministry of Culture also claims to be keeping the situation in the KNUTKiT “under its control” and condemns “any manifestations of violence and discrimination”. Does it mean that the university will introduce any changes to the study process so that it is not so traumatic? Will the ones, accused by the students, be punished? Right now, it looks like the real results in this story are ensured by the disclosure and public condemnation, not by the actions of university administrations or “provision on prevention and combatting of harassment and bullying” which should have promoted a safe study environment. 

In response to’s inquiry, the Ministry of Science and Education has actually distanced itself from the scandalous situation, having highlighted only the autonomy and self-government of universities, which are to organize the safe study process on their own.

Inna Kocharian, the rector of the KNUTKiT, refused to talk to, but in her written reply, she has given a short report, stating that in a few recent weeks, the university administration has received 14 statements on being harassed by teachers, 13 of which have already been transferred to the police.

Two other universities — the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts and the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design — did not give any comments, taking into consideration internal investigations.

In this context, a no less relevant question is — are there any legal ways of proving these crimes?

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There is administrative and criminal responsibility for illegal actions of a sexual nature, we were told by Yulia Nikitina, a lawyer and coordinator of the legal assistance line at “Jurfem: Support”. As for harassment, responsibility for this crime has only recently been introduced.

“Recently, we have witnessed very positive changes related to holding wrong-doers responsible for sexual harassment. For instance, on December 19, 2024, we got a new Article 173-7 of KUpAP [the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offences], called “Sexual harassment”. Now, victims, suffering from sexual harassment in public places, or in transport, at a university, or at work can go to the authorities and report it. The wrong-doer will be classified according to Article 173-7 of the KUpAP,” the lawyer explained. As per this article, the envisaged punishment is a fine of UAH 4,760 at the most or short-term public or corrective labour.

But there is also Article 153 of the CCU “Sexual harassment,” which covers actions of sexual nature without penetration because, in the case of the latter, it is considered rape which envisages actual imprisonment. But how can one understand whether the actions of the wrong-doer are still harassment or already violence?

“Sexual harassment can be manifested in very many forms. These are touches of your body, for instance, your breasts or buttocks, without your permission. These are also unpleasant comments of a sexual nature, or indecent gestures, indiscreet messages, requests about sending your intimate photos, etc. And sexual violence is manifested by actual touches to your genitals without your permission (but without penetration), or masturbating in your presence,” Yulia Nikitina explained.

In the lawyer’s words, to prove the actions of the wrong-doer, the victim has to give the following evidence: audio or video recording, screenshots of the correspondence, etc. But even if such direct evidence is absent, there are still many chances of punishing the wrong-doer.

“One should not forget that the victim’s testimony is the most relevant evidence. So even if with time you don’t have other evidence, except your words, you still should go to the police, and then the law enforcement agencies can find some other evidence,” Yulia Nikitina says.

However, the police are not always interested in the full-scale investigation. In Nikitina’s words, many such cases are usually impeded during the pre-trial investigation. 

“Most cases do not get to the court, and thus there are no sentences. And the sentences that have been passed do not reflect the massive nature of sexual violence present in Ukraine. That’s because most victims do not contact law enforcement agencies, since, due to stigma and victim-blaming stigma – a negative association of a person with something disgusting, non-prestigious, and shameful; victim-blaming occurs when a victim is blamed for the transgression committed against him/her or any disaster that has happened to him/her they fear that they will be blamed for what has happened; yet one should remember that a victim is never guilty,” Yulia Nikitina emphasizes. 

Law enforcement agencies often believe that if there is no such obvious evidence as physical damage or biological materials, then there has been no sexual violence. Thus, they do not want to investigate such cases. 

“For instance, in our legal assistance line “Jurfem: Support” there are cases in which the criminal proceedings were shut down seven times, and we have renewed them again in court. The problem lies in the evidentiary basis, yet we try to apply other evidence. For example, this is a psychological expertise in court which demonstrates that the victim actually has suffered from violence, and we are trying to find other evidence to the wrong-doing,” the lawyer told us. 

A vivid example of a failure to act in such cases is the case of a famous actor and now former teacher of the KNUTKiT, Volodymyr Talashko. In 2021, former students accused him of sexual harassment. Due to the public disclosure, the university administration had to suspend the then 75-year-old teacher from his position. First, Talashko spent a few months on a vacation, then on a sick leaf, and finally left his position.

“According to the legislation in force, while V.D. Talashko is being on vacation and on a sick leaf, no disciplinary punishment is possible as per the norms of the KUpAP,” Inna Kocharian, the university rector, told And the criminal case against an old teacher has not even been initiated by the police. So, in this case, the punishment for Talashko was only his losing a job at the university and a stain on his reputation.

And what about Poplavskyi?

Soon after the accusations against Andrii Bilous and several other teachers of the art-related higher institutions, Vladyslava Korinna, a former student of the KNUKiM, wrote a post on Facebook in which she accused Mykhailo Polavskyi, the university rector, of harassment. In particular, she claimed that he made her play billiards with him for kisses.

Михайло Поплавський (фото Instagram)

Mykhailo Poplavskyi (an Instagram photo)

Vladyslava Korinna refused to tell more details about this case. As of now, we have not succeeded in finding other victims of this rector’s actions. Although several years ago, “Povaha” website published an article, which highlighted his sexist behaviour, yet there have been no public statements about the harassment or violence committed by Poplavskyi, related to the post of Vladyslava Korinna.

Rumours about sexual harassment on the part of the KNUKiM rector appear periodically in X and other social networks but without any specific details. More frequently, these claims have had purely joking context, like in the case of memes, which you have surely seen, showing Mykhailo Poplavskyi as a Ukrainian P. Diddy Last year, a famous American music producer and rap singer, Sean Combs known as P. Diddy, was accused of rape and sexual exploitation . It seems funny, but it actually isn’t.

The author Kateryna Rodak, editor Oleh Onysko, page make-up Nazar Tuziak, translation  Nelya Plakhota, cover Viktoria Demchuk

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